讲座题目:uRLLC for 5G and Beyond
主讲人:Li Yonghui 教授
主持人:王昆仑 研究员
开始时间:2022-11-23 14:00:00
Professor Yonghui Li is currently a Professor with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney. His current research interests are in the area of wireless communications, with particular focus on MIMO, millimeter-wave communications, ultra-reliable and low latency communications, machine-to-machine communications, coding techniques, wireless AI and industrial IoT. He received the prestigious Australia Research Council (ARC) Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2008 and the ARC Future Fellowship in 2012. He was an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He has been on the organizing committees of several international conferences and a Guest Editor of several special issues of prestigious IEEE journals, such as IEEE JSAC, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE IoT Journals, and IEEE TII. He received Best Paper Awards from the 2014 IEEE ICC, 2017 IEEE PIMRC and 2014 IEEE Wireless Days Conferences. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
The world is currently witnessing the rise of many mission critical applications such as tele-surgery, intelligent transportation, industry automation, virtual reality and augmented reality, vehicular communications, etc. Some of these applications will be enabled by the fifth-generation of cellular networks (5G), which will provide the required ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC). However, guaranteeing these stringent reliability and end-to-end latency requirements continues to prove to be quite challenging, due to the significant shift in paradigms required in both theoretical fundamentals of wireless communications as well as design principles. In particular, a holistic framework that takes into account latency, reliability, availability, scalability, and decision-making under uncertainty is lacking. Addressing these challenges requires the development of new wireless technologies, underlying network protocols, and signal processing techniques. In this talk, we will present the key challenges and potential solutions for 5G and beyond 5G to support URLLC, in terms of error control coding improving reliability, channel access protocols for reducing latency, and multi-connectivity for improving network availability.